Flexible Dentures

We understand how difficult it can be when you are living with an incomplete Smile, and you are probably struggling with tooth loss whether they were removed or fell out. With our custom flexible denture you can have your smile back. 
Flexible partials are a great alternative to acrylic partials, with 30 years of our experience we notice that patients would sometimes simply refuse to wear unaesthetic partials. One of the benefit to using this flexible material is that these dentures are thinner than traditional hard acrylic partial dentures. 
 Our flexible partials are made from a nylon resin that is not only durable but is also flexible enough to move and adapt with your mouth. Unlike other types of partial dentures, they don’t have uncomfortable metal clasps to keep them in place that can be visible at times. The clasp uses the same flexible nylon material, so they easily blend in with the teeth and gums. 
Flexible material translucence and the biggest advantage of this is that it allows some of the natural gum color to show through, making this type of denture far less visible than others. Flexible dentures are known as one of the most comfortable dentures available They are strong, lightweight, and blend in well with your remaining natural teeth, aesthetically speaking. 
 Also flexible denture feels smooth and comfortable to the tongue. It makes wearing a denture a pleasure rather than a pain.