Our Products:

Easy Smile™

Removable or snap-on veneers are like ultra-thin smile shields, hiding imperfections and offering a quick, non-permanent smile makeover.
$350.00 USD
$500.00 USD

Flexible Flipper (up to 3 teeth in a row)

A Flexible Flipper is a comfortable, temporary tooth that offers an interim solution until you opt for a more permanent option, like an implant, and is designed for safe eating with our in-house Flippers.
$350.00 USD
$450.00 USD

Flexible Denture

Valplast dentures are custom-made for a natural feel, fitting snugly and comfortably, offering a flexible and sleek alternative to traditional dentures.
$550.00 USD
$750.00 USD
$350.00 USD
$500.00 USD
$350.00 USD
$550.00 USD
$550.00 USD
$750.00 USD

Acrylic Denture

A custom-fit dental appliance designed to gently hold teeth in place during sleep. It promotes dental alignment and prevents unwanted shifting, ensuring a comfortable and peaceful night's sleep.
$350.00 USD
$550.00 USD

Metal Frame Denture

Introducing Our Premium Metal Cast Partial Dentures: The Ultimate Blend of Strength and Comfort for Your Smile!
$750.00 USD
$1,200.00 USD
$350.00 USD
$550.00 USD
$750.00 USD
$1,200.00 USD

Mouth Guard for Sleeping

Think of a nightguard as cozy teeth protection while you sleep, a cushion for teeth if you grind or clench, ensuring a damage-free morning.
$90.00 USD
$250.00 USD


Essix retainers are invisible smile bodyguards, maintaining teeth alignment and even including temporary teeth for smooth transitions.
$200.00 USD
$350.00 USD

After Braces / Invisalign Retainers

After braces, retainers act as smile bodyguards, preserving your straight teeth; dentist's guidance is crucial for the best results, and the price covers top and bottom bleaching trays for future teeth whitening.
$85.00 USD
$150.00 USD
$90.00 USD
$250.00 USD
$200.00 USD
$350.00 USD
$85.00 USD
$150.00 USD